Same Day Appointments Available
Experienced Ear Wax Removal Specialist
Fast, friendly and local service
Safe and clean removal
Quick and comfortable using micro-suction and/or irrigation
Located near to Jarrow town centre, the Clinic is easy to get to using public transport, and for those travelling by car, there is ample car parking available.
Same day appointments available.
Don’t wait several days for an appointment.
Book an appointment today. Our online booking system makes booking your appointment fast and hassle-free.
Alternatively, call us on 0191 4661397 / 07502 080259 or use the contact form to arrange an appointment.
Our audiologist is trained and certified with over 8 years experience in wax removal.
Book your appointment today using our quick and convenient online booking system,
or call us on 0191 4661397 / 07502 080259
Improper cleaning, age, genetics, and other factors can cause build-up.
Pain, temporary hearing loss, a “blocked up” sensation are some of the symptoms.
There are many different methods of treatment for the removal of ear wax