Ear Wax Removal in Tyne and Wear

  • What Is Ear Wax?

    Ear wax is not a sign of poor hygiene. It is a completely natural substance that is produced by all of us from glands in our ear canals. It helps to lubricate and protect the ear canal. 

    A small amount of wax is normal and maintains the health of the ear canal but in some cases, the ear wax can build up and form a blockage or plug. 

    • What Causes Ear Wax Build-up?

      Everybody produces ear wax however some people produce more wax than their ears can get rid of naturally. Causes of ear wax include:

      • Wearing hearing aids, ear plugs or ear bud headphones.
      • Having narrow or hairy ear canals.
      • Exposure to moisture. Wax can absorb water and expand.
      • Age – very dry and hard wax is common as we age.
      • Commonly it is when people try to clean their ears, using things like cotton buds, a finger, or other objects, that earwax can is actually pushed further into the ear – where it can build up and become impacted. 
    • Symptoms of blocked ears
      Blocked Ear

      A blocked ear can cause discomfort and make it difficult to hear. Most people get a “blocked up” sensation or a feeling of “fullness”. Other symptoms may be experienced:

      • Muffled hearing
      • Tinnitus – a ringing or buzzing in the ears.
      • Infection.
      • Earache.
      • Very itchy or irritated ear canal.
      • If you wear hearing aids constant whistling from your aid.
      • Light-headedness, dizziness or vertigo.
      • A tickly cough.
      • If you wear hearing aids you may experience whistling (feedback) from your aids.

      We can tell whether you have a blocked ear by looking in your ears with an instrument called an otoscope. If a build-up of ear wax, debris or a foreign body is blocking your ear causing any of these symptoms we would normally recommend having it removed by a professional.

      Once the earwax is removed, these symptoms usually improve. 

    • Ear wax removal methods


      Micro suction is the most modern, advanced, safest, and pain-free form of ear wax removal. It is carried out with a specialist pump  that gently sucks the earwax out of the ear. The procedure is undertaken using special microscope glasses. This allows the professional to clearly see exactly what they are doing makeing it the safest and most comfortable method of earwax removal. No liquids are used during the procedure which significantly reduces the risk of damage to the eardrum and infection. 

      Unlike ear syringing and ear irrigation, micro suction wax removal can be performed in people who have a perforated eardrum or grommet, mastoid cavity or cleft palate.

      Low Pressure Irrigation (Ear Syringing)

      Low-pressure irrigation is often used if there is deep lying wax that cannot be removed by other methods. The procedure is undertaken with either a manual or electronic spray type ear wash. The stream is aimed at the walls of the ear canal avoiding the ear drum. 

      Please note: not everyone is suitable for earwax removal by irrigation. Ear irrigation is not appropriate if you: 

      • have had any ear surgery or had a middle ear infection (otitis media) in the past six weeks. 
      • have a perforated eardrum
      • have a discharge of mucus from your ear or have had an ear infection in the preceding two months. 
      • have recurring or persistent infections of the ear canal. 


      Manual removal

      Manual removal of earwax is also effective. Using special miniature instruments and a microscope to magnify the ear canal. Manual removal is sometimes preferred if your ear canal is narrow, the eardrum has a perforation or tube, other methods have failed, or if you have diabetes or a weakened immune system.
