When it comes to cleaning your ear, it is important to be patient and careful, as too hard a hand can cause problems and sometimes require ear syringing.
A team of researchers in the UK, Chile, and Germany have developed a new device, called Trears, that is a safe way to collect earwax.
While it is not a common symptom, sudden permanent hearing loss appears to be linked to COVID-19 in some patients, doctors are warning.
When it comes to keeping your ears clean, doctors will usually advise you to avoid using anything to get the job done, as it’s possible that you could damage your eardrum and affect your hearing permanently.
Research shows that we unconsciously make small movements with our ears aimed towards the sounds we want to focus on.
A survey reported that one in six UK adults suffer from a loss of hearing, with nearly double the number of men reporting hearing loss symptoms as women.
A campaign that is calling for UK retailers to create additional accessibility for people who are deaf or have hearing loss, is gaining momentum.
We should all be aware of the symptoms of the coronavirus but now scientists are suggesting there might be a link to hearing loss and COVID-19.
Speaking to a news provider, US-based audiologist Dr Liz White explained that hearing loss can start when we’re young.
A recent survey revealed the number of participants who never use their hearing aid devices has declined over the last 15 years.