Endoscopic ear wax removal is a quick and easy to perform method of micro-suction. It is performed using an an oto-endoscope which provides an incomparable ‘wide’ and high-resolution view of the ear canal. This makes it both comfortable and safe since it allows it to be rested in the ear […]
Wax Removal
Micro-Suction Micro suction is the most modern, advanced, safest, and pain-free form of ear wax removal. It is carried out with a specialist pump that gently sucks the earwax out of the ear. The procedure is undertaken using special microscope glasses. This allows the professional to clearly see exactly what […]
A blocked ear can cause discomfort and make it difficult to hear. Most people get a “blocked up” sensation or a feeling of “fullness”. Other symptoms may be experienced: We can tell whether you have a blocked ear by looking in your ears with an instrument called an otoscope. If […]
Everybody produces ear wax however some people produce more wax than their ears can get rid of naturally. Causes of ear wax include:
Ear wax is not a sign of poor hygiene. It is a completely natural substance that is produced by all of us from glands in our ear canals. It helps to lubricate and protect the ear canal. A small amount of wax is normal and maintains the health of the […]